54th CIML Meeting Group Photo
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Approved Agenda (V2)
Working Document and Addenda

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List of Participants:

Item |
Description |
Addenda |
Meeting Documents
(AMD) |
(as PDFs) |
Opening speeches
Roll call
Approval of the Agenda (Version 2 dated 2019-07-22) |
1 |
Approval of the minutes of the 53rd CIML Meeting
2 |
General report by the CIML President
3 |
Presentation by the candidates for CIML Second Vice-President
4 |
BIML matters and activities
4.1 Report by the BIML Director
4.2 Report on training activities
5 |
Member States and Corresponding Members |
6 |
Financial matters
6.1 Approval of the 2018 accounts
6.2 Forecast budget realization for 2019
6.3 Arrears of Member States and Corresponding Members
7 |
Liaisons and Regional Legal Metrology Organizations (RLMOs)
7.1 Report by the BIML on activities with organizations in liaison
7.2 Report by the RLMO Round Table Chairperson
7.3 Update by the Bureau International des Poids et Mesures (BIPM)
7.4 Update on the work of the Consultative Committee for Units (CCU)
7.5 Updates by other organizations in liaison
8 |
Countries and Economies with Emerging Metrology Systems (CEEMS)
8.1 Report by the CEEMS Advisory Group Chairperson
8.2 Report by the BIML on activities in connection with CEEMS matters
9 |
OIML Certification System (OIML-CS)
9.1 Report by the OIML-CS Management Committee Chairperson
10 |
OIML publications and projects
10.1 Items for approval by the CIML
10.2 Items for information
10.3 Articles for the OIML Bulletin
11 |
Election of the CIML Second Vice-President
12 |
Presentation of OIML Awards
12.1 OIML Medals
12.2 OIML Letters of Appreciation
12.3 OIML CEEMS Award
12.4 Presentation by the OIML CEEMS Award Winner 2018
13 |
Preparation of the 16th International Conference (2020)
14 |
Future meetings
14.1 55th CIML Meeting and 16th International Conference (2020 - P.R. China)
14.2 56th CIML Meeting (2021)
15 |
Other matters
16 |
Review of meeting resolutions