Invitation from Dr. Roman Schwartz, CIML President

Dr. Roman Schwartz

Dear Colleagues,

The CIML will hold its 54th meeting in Bratislava, Slovak Republic, from Tuesday 22 October to Friday 25 October 2019. It will be preceded by an OIML Workshop on “e-Learning” on Monday 21 October 2019.

In addition, a meeting of the CEEMS AG will take place on Monday afternoon after the Workshop and an RLMO Round Table will be held on Tuesday morning.

We encourage you to participate in the discussions during the CIML meeting.

As you know, it is essential that the Committee has sufficient voting Members for a quorum. Therefore:

  • if you are personally unable to attend this meeting and would like to designate someone from your government or administration to represent you and vote on your behalf, please advise Mr. Anthony Donnellan, BIML Director, of the name of that person;
  • if you anticipate that you or the person that you have designated to represent you may be absent during any of the meeting sessions, please give a proxy to another CIML Member when registering online.

Please note that if someone from your government or administration is representing you, this person may not receive proxies from other CIML Members.

The BIML has prepared this website for the Bratislava meetings; it provides detailed information. Registration for attendance will be online via this website. The deadline for registering is 1 July 2019; if you are unable to register via the website, please contact Mrs. Patricia Saint-Germain (Administrator, Members) at the BIML and alternative arrangements will be made.

Lastly, obtaining a visa may be a lengthy process so we urge you to make your application as soon as possible.

Looking forward to seeing you again in Bratislava,

Yours faithfully,


Dr Roman Schwartz
CIML President


Invitation to the 54th CIML Meeting - CIML Members:

Invitation to the 54th CIML Meeting - OIML Corresponding Members: